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«Central European Journal of Botany» – научный журнал.

E-ISSN 2413-757X

Периодичность – 1 раз в год.
Издается с 2015 года.

1 June 01, 2019

Articles and Statements

1. Fazal Hadi, Muhammad Ibrar, Ömer Kiliç
Floristic Diversity and Ecological Characteristics of Historical Kalash Valley (Pakistan)

Central European Journal of Botany, 2019, 5(1): 3-21.
DOI: 10.13187/cejb.2019.1.3CrossRef

Kalash valley is famous all over the world for its inhabitants having indigenous culture, religion, language and considered to be the descendants of Alexander the Great living in this rigged mountainous series of Hindukush range. Frequent field visits were carried out during 2013−2016 years for the collection of plant samples and documentation of related data. Then the collected plants samples were properly pressed and identified with the help of different volumes of Flora of Pakistan and other available literature. The study showed 389 species belong to 237 genera and 88 families including 62 dicots, 11 monocots, 7 pteridophytes, 4 bryophytes, 3 gymnosperms and 1 fungi family. Species distribution indicated 307 dicots, 55 monocots, 12 pteridophytes, 10 gymnosperms, 4 bryophytes and 1 fungi species. Asteraceae was detected dominant (49 taxa) family followed by Poaceae (36 spp.), Brassicaceae (25 taxa), Lamiaceae (22 spp.), Rosaceae (22 spp.), Fabaceae (16 spp.) and Apiaceae (13 spp.). The remaining families had 12 or less species. The life form classes indicated 205 therophytes, 56 geophytes and 46 hemicryptophytes species while nanophylls (178 spp.) mesophylls (72 spp.) and leptophylls (53 spp.) were dominant leaf spectra classes. The present study is first ever record of floristic diversity of Kalash valley and includes some new reports. The findings will be helpful in future detail studies on plant resources of the area.

URL: http://ejournal34.com/journals_n/1559225977.pdf
Number of views: 961      Download in PDF

2. Ahmet Şen, Avni Öztürk, Ömer Kılıç
The Floristic and Systematic Reaserchs on the Poaceae in Van Center (Turkey)

Central European Journal of Botany, 2019, 5(1): 22-29.
DOI: 10.13187/cejb.2019.1.22CrossRef

This study was conducted on Poaceae samples growing in Van (Turkey) center between 2011 and 2015. After identification of plant samples 98 species, 11 subspecies, 6 varieties, totally 115 taxa belong to 46 genus were detected. A new species named Aegilops vanensis Öztürk & Şen (sp. nov.) which was recently discovered for the world botanical literature. Phalaris canariensis, Schismus barbatus, Vulpia myuros, Alopecurus bulbosus and Bromus fasciculatus are new records for B9 phytogeographic square. Some endemic species like Agropyron deweyi and Trisetum thospiticum were discovered. In addition, some rare taxa were found and their endangered categories were determined.

URL: http://ejournal34.com/journals_n/1559226040.pdf
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URL: http://ejournal34.com/journals_n/1559226063.pdf
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